Dear Gym-Goers,
We're all humans. All of us, each and every one, with no exception whatsoever. And being human, we all sweat. When it's warm and we're working out, we sweat.
That is stating the obvious.
So please. Please please please, all gym-goers...
I plead this.
Please make sure you wear deodorant before you work out.
You may feel that you don't smell when you sweat. That your body does not let out unwanted odours when sweating profusely. That your body is not genetically pungent. That deodorant is an evil weakness and not what mother nature or your body needs. But please face this little piece of reality....
None of us is special. None of us is spared when it comes to odours and sweat.
When you lift up an arm to wipe your face dry with a gym towel, subsequently letting out a whift of your underarm aromas..
Think of the reality of your normality.
So please...
Use deodorant.
Thank you.
Yours Most Most Most Sincerely,
Suffering Odour-Smeller.
Happy Eid Al Adha
15 years ago
oooooohhhh.....yuucckk....tht's awful! once was in line behind a very tall man wearing a singlet. his armpits were exactly in front of my nose. he wasn't wearing deodorant. and i think he just finished jogging.
yessss yuck and eww, ladies
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