Monday, March 9, 2009


I was feeling depressed about being cooped up in the house with the two help (the old maid and the new one) and Gibran who was not keen on being cooperative today. I also had (have, still..) a stuffed nose and sepet-feeling eyes because of lack of sleep (for some reason Gib was tossing and turning like mad yesterday so I could hardly sleep). Suffice to say, I felt like nothing less than crap. Of the lowest sort. So what did I do?

I baked.

I tried a new banana cake recipe because Dad as usual went mad buying fruits for us (this week it was bananas, enough to feed Martha Monkey and friends), this one calls for oats, desicated coconuts and chocolate chips. H's eyes nearly popped out when I mentioned the coconut, because, he dislikes coconuts. I however, think it'll turn out good. Baking soothes me like nothing else can.

When Gib acts up or when I start feeling sorry for myself, on days when good ol' spine feels stiff and makes me feel like I'm a thousand years old..

I bake.

Because at the end of the day, something good and enticing will come out of that oven, making the house smell gorgeous, and proving (to me, at least) that I am worth something. Because there is this one thing that I'm really good at.



Anonymous said...

I'm stumped on making Elyaz's cake for his birthday this week!! Found recipes for dairy free and egg free but how the heck do I decorate it? Help!

Anonymous said...

Hai Babyboon, I'm coming n looking for the slice of apam pisang..hehe..thanks for trying! Just love your blog! :D

Nina @ BabyBoon said...

shaggy; i hope one of those icing recipes would do u justice! :D

kak ummi; blog ni selalu kena neglected because tgh busy semacam je lately. hehehehe. and i fail as a food blogger because i always forget to take pictures of the food before i eat it all up!!! camna lah nak jadi mcm you!