Wednesday, April 8, 2009


I've watched "Premonition" a few times by now. And it gets me everyyyytime. Don't ask me why, ever since Ninie passed away 3 years ago, and since I had Gibran, some things get to me. Movies like "Freedomland" and "Premonition". Losing one of your oldest bestfriends and then having a baby whom you think you'd lose that first week you had him can do that to you, I suppose. Those things change a person.

Losing a spouse or a child is a scary thought but the honest truth is that it can happen to anyone, right?


Lollies said...

Alamak this reminds me. I have the dvd tapi tak tengok-tenhok lagi. Nak tengoklah minggu ni.

I cannot imagine losing a child. I do get the thoughts and end up crying my heart out just thinking about it. But I have been around people who lose their spouse and their child and I can feel the pain.

Nina @ BabyBoon said...

tell me about it. i byk sgt dvds yg tak tengok tengok lagi. hehe.

everytime i think about losing a child i rasa macam .. ohmyGod, undescribably jittery, anxious, panicky,.. u name it. tak boleh imagine. nauzubillah. i see my bestfriend's mother handling the loss of our beloved Nisha and sampai skarang i tak sanggup nak dengar her talk abt Nisha. she is such a tabah woman and i dont know how she handles it. may God give her pahala and iman berlipat ganda.