I promise not to continuously count all the negatives.
I promise to always remind myself of all the positives.
So I promise not to clutter this blog with any more negatives (if I can help it!).
1 comment:
cluttering your blog with negatives isn't a bad thing. at least it's an outlet for you right? but nevertheless - that's very noble that you want to focus on positives. :) good luck!
A mom and wife, married 11 years to Husband H, who's been a long-term best friend since adolescent years. A person constantly trying to balance countless inner conflicts. Babies Gibran born on 5/12/2006, and Ilan on 26/8/2011. As a mum who has had two major spinal surgeries and is still coping with daily pain, she is trying to participate as much as she can in the upbringing of their little pride and joy.
She blogs about God's greatest gifts to the family, and how these two special blessings have changed their lives forever.
1 comment:
cluttering your blog with negatives isn't a bad thing. at least it's an outlet for you right? but nevertheless - that's very noble that you want to focus on positives. :) good luck!
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